Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Every thing about Parvo in Dogs

What is Parvo in Dogs?
Parvo( know as Canine parvovirus type 2) is a contagious virus mainly affecting dogs. The disease is highly infectious which is spread from dog to dog by direct or indirect contact with their feces. The more common form is the intestinal form, which is characterized by vomiting or diarrhea. The less popular form is the cardiac form, which attacks the heart muscle tissue of young puppies. The majority of cases are seen in puppies that are between six weeks and six months old. There are ways to help prevent the spread of parvo and as a responsible dog owner it is important to be familiar with these prevention methods.
Symptoms of Parvo in Dogs

The symptoms of Parvo include:
+High fever
+Loss of appetite
+Bloody diarrhea.
Parvo generally incubates for 5 to 10 days, which means 5 to 10 days soon after a dog is exposed to the virus they will infected. Most commonly dogs that have contracted this virus will become very lethargic, then may have a fever or will start vomiting and will also have diarrhea. It is important that if you ever notice blood in your dogs stool that you take them to the vet immediately.
Causes of Parvo in Dogs
There are a variety of risk factors that can increase a dog’s susceptibility to the disease, but mostly the virus is pass on either by direct contact with an infected dog, or may be indirectly by the fecal-oral route.  Weighty concentrations of the virus are normally found in an infected dog’s stool, therefore when a healthy dog sniffs an infected dog’s stool, it will eventually contract the disease. The virus can even be brought into a dog's environment by way of shoes that have come into contact with infected feces. If you suspect that you have come into contact with feces at all, you need clean up the affected area with household bleach and disinfectant known to kill the virus.
Treatment for Canine Parvovirus
Most veterinarians treat parvovirus with intravenous fluids and antibiotics. Also, treatment can sometimes include balancing the blood sugar and intravenous electrolytes or intravenous nourishment, and an antiemetic injection to lower nausea and vomiting. Since the disease is a viral infection, there is no real cure for it, or kill the virus. They are supportive therapies which help balance the dog long enough for his immune system to start counteracting the virus.
How do I protect my dog from becoming infected?
Vaccination is the key to prevent this disease and protect your dog. Breeding bitches need to be vaccinated before to becoming pregnant to ensure that the pups get the best start at immunity. Vaccinations need to begin at 6 weeks of age and speak with your veterinarian about what vaccination protocol is the best for your pet and your lifestyle.
Photo credit: www.ehow.com

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