Thursday, January 31, 2013

Foods for Constipation in Dogs

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Constipation can be painful and confusing for your dog, but there are many foods to relieve constipation and provide your dog with comfort. Constipation may be difficult to diagnose, but veterinarians warn that it's important to recognize it as early as possible.

Causes of Constipation

Though diarrhea is easy to diagnose, constipation may go by unnoticed, especially if your dog relieves himself outside without you watching. Constipation can usually be recognized by:
  • painful abdomen
  • straining during bowel movements
  • lack of appetite
  • flatulence
  • change in color of stool
While constipation is often caused by diet, it can also be caused by lack of exercise, stress, parasites or illnesses such as irritable bowel syndrome. If it continues, consults your veterinarian.


One of the best remedies for an ailing digestive system—either diarrhea or constipation—is pumpkin. This can be natural or canned pumpkin, but not pumpkin pie mix. Add a couple of spoonfuls to your dog's food for two or three days and see if symptoms improve. Most dogs like the taste, so this shouldn't be a problem.

Bran or Grains

Just as fiber can help us clear our systems, it can also help your dog. Adding a spoonful of bran to your dog's food can relieve constipation as can other grains, such as oatmeal. Be sure to cook the oatmeal. Don't feed raw oats. You can also heat the bran with water to make it more appealing to your dog.
Some owners have also added a sprinkle of Metamucil to their dog's food, but if you do this, add to canned food only and add lots of water.

Fruits and Vegetables

Diets that are high in protein neglects some key ingredients that dogs need. Dogs are omnivores, not carnivores like cats, and benefit from the addition to fruits and vegetables in their diet. These fruits and vegetables can also help regulate your dog's digestive system.
Some healthy vegetables include:
  • green beans
  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • carrots
  • squash
  • zucchini
Just be sure to cook them and blend them in a blender or food processor so that your dog can utilize the nutrients. Healthy fruits include berries, apples and bananas. You can feed these with meals or as a healthy snack.

Mineral Oil

For severe cases of constipation, mineral oil may be your only course of action. However, use sparingly and only if other methods don't work because it can interfere with your dog's ability to absorb key nutrients.
Mineral oil can be given at a dose of 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds, but should be mixed with food. Don't apply directly to the tongue.


Sometimes, constipation is caused by dehydration, so just the simple act of adding water to your dog's food can be very effective. Add a few spoonfuls to your dog's dry food to make it soft or add enticement to your dog's water, such as a few drops of apple juice or tuna juice.
However, if symptoms persist despite dietary changes, consult your veterinarian. There may be a medical issue at the heart of your dog's problem.

Article Source: Foods to Relieve Constipation in Dogs - VetInfo
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Every thing about Parvo in Dogs

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What is Parvo in Dogs?
Parvo( know as Canine parvovirus type 2) is a contagious virus mainly affecting dogs. The disease is highly infectious which is spread from dog to dog by direct or indirect contact with their feces. The more common form is the intestinal form, which is characterized by vomiting or diarrhea. The less popular form is the cardiac form, which attacks the heart muscle tissue of young puppies. The majority of cases are seen in puppies that are between six weeks and six months old. There are ways to help prevent the spread of parvo and as a responsible dog owner it is important to be familiar with these prevention methods.
Symptoms of Parvo in Dogs

The symptoms of Parvo include:
+High fever
+Loss of appetite
+Bloody diarrhea.
Parvo generally incubates for 5 to 10 days, which means 5 to 10 days soon after a dog is exposed to the virus they will infected. Most commonly dogs that have contracted this virus will become very lethargic, then may have a fever or will start vomiting and will also have diarrhea. It is important that if you ever notice blood in your dogs stool that you take them to the vet immediately.
Causes of Parvo in Dogs
There are a variety of risk factors that can increase a dog’s susceptibility to the disease, but mostly the virus is pass on either by direct contact with an infected dog, or may be indirectly by the fecal-oral route.  Weighty concentrations of the virus are normally found in an infected dog’s stool, therefore when a healthy dog sniffs an infected dog’s stool, it will eventually contract the disease. The virus can even be brought into a dog's environment by way of shoes that have come into contact with infected feces. If you suspect that you have come into contact with feces at all, you need clean up the affected area with household bleach and disinfectant known to kill the virus.
Treatment for Canine Parvovirus
Most veterinarians treat parvovirus with intravenous fluids and antibiotics. Also, treatment can sometimes include balancing the blood sugar and intravenous electrolytes or intravenous nourishment, and an antiemetic injection to lower nausea and vomiting. Since the disease is a viral infection, there is no real cure for it, or kill the virus. They are supportive therapies which help balance the dog long enough for his immune system to start counteracting the virus.
How do I protect my dog from becoming infected?
Vaccination is the key to prevent this disease and protect your dog. Breeding bitches need to be vaccinated before to becoming pregnant to ensure that the pups get the best start at immunity. Vaccinations need to begin at 6 weeks of age and speak with your veterinarian about what vaccination protocol is the best for your pet and your lifestyle.
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Some Homemade Dog Food Recipes

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Homemade Dog Food Recipes
There are many reasons for feeding your dog homemade dog food. One of these is how commercially prepared pet foods came into creation and are still made today. Commercially prepared dog foods did not even exist until the 1930s, when the meat and grain companies wanted to find something to do with their rejected products. These included products that were moldy, contaminated or even rancid. Then and now, pet food companies and veterinarians have a large stake in the pet food industry. There are high quality pet food products, however, it can be cheaper and much more beneficial to make your own "pet kibble".
Making Your Own Dog Food And How to Make Dog Treats
It is recommended for people that prepare homemade dog food recipes that the ingredients consist of 1/3 protein (chicken breast, ground beef, egg, cottage cheese, and tofu) 2/3 whole grains (long grain white or brown rice, white or sweet potatoes, pastas, oats, barley, couscous and tapioca). With all of these ingredients cooked properly.
Another reason is due to canine diabetes. The fillers in prepared dog foods can cause your dogs sugar levels to sky-rocket. It is also not a good idea to free-feed your diabetic dog. Their portions need to be kept to 2 to 3 smaller meals throughout the day. The smaller meals help stabilize the blood sugars. Here is a recipe that is recommended by a vet nutritionist along with one human multivitamin a day.
1 cup cooked brown long grain rice
1 cup cooked chicken breast
1/2 cup green beans
1/2 cup mixed vegetables
1/2 cup cottage cheese
Mix together and serve. Quite simple.
This recipe is based on feeding a 60 pound dog and should be adjusted to your dogs weight and eating habits.
Diabetic Dog Food Treat Recipe
1/2 cup wheat flour
2 eggs
1 and 1/2 pounds beef liver, cut into pieces
1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 celsius). Line a 10 x 15 in. jellyroll pan with parchment paper.
2) Place the liver into a food processor. Pulse until finely chopped. If there is room add the flour and eggs and process until smooth. Otherwise transfer into a bowl and stir in the flour and eggs until smooth. Spread evenly in the prepared pan.
3) Bake for 15 minutes in preheated oven, or until center is firm. Cool, then cut into squares. The treats will have a spongy consistency. Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator.
Homemade dog food recipes can be very beneficial for dogs with food allergies. It is very important to find out if it is a meat allergy so you can eliminate the offending meat. These recipes will include meat, but you can interchange the meat for any of the proteins mentioned previously.
Chicken Recipe
1 pound chicken chopped or ground
1 cup basmati (or hull free) rice
2 tablespoon olive oil
1 cup cooked cauliflower (or whatever vegetable your pooch enjoys)
1 teaspoon bone meal (provides calcium and can be purchased from many online suppliers)
Pet tab based on pet size (provides daily nutrition requirement also available online)
1/2 cup cream of wheat
Cook all (grinding the meal and pet tab together) then mix together in large bowl. Store in separate containers for daily feeding. This is also freezable for later use. Will store in fridge for up to three days.
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Dog Bad Breath

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Canine bad breath will take the fun out of holding your pet and getting those doggie kisses. This can also get so bad that nobody wants your pet around him or her. Of course this is embarrassing for you and hard on them because of the rejection they will receive. Nobody wants a stinky dog around them. But worse of all it can mean health problems for you pet.
We have all heard of "doggy breath" but truthfully a healthy dog does not have bad breath. There are many causes of this problem but the most common cause is the teeth and gums. Any cause of foul smelling breath or halitosis should be checked into as to the reason for this.
Canine dental care:
Periodontal disease can become very serious if not treated. Inflammation of the gums means infection of the tissue. If not treated this can predispose your pet to heart disease, diabetes, respiratory disease, arthritis and possibly other chronic diseases.
Plaque is caused from the acid in saliva and bacteria that sticks to the teeth. Calculus is the yellow brown material that sticks to the plaque. These cause an irritant and the beginning of periodontal disease.
Canine dentistry:
Canine bad breath is not something your dog should have. OK they don't have a sweet minty breath but it should in no way smell foul. His gums should be pink and healthy, his teeth white and firm.
Pet oral care:
Chewing is the natural way for a dog to clean their teeth. In the wild they would rip raw meat from the bone. Naturally the domesticated dog does not do this. So we must furnish our pets with chews that help clean their teeth.
Chew items can be bones (you must be careful as to what kind and they must be raw) rawhides and chew toys. Biscuits can make them fat if given too many so they are not much good for cleaning teeth.
Bones need to be raw and you must be careful as to what type you give them. Do not use cooked bones, poultry bones and pork bones as they can splinter and cause a number of problems and even death. So be very careful if you decide to give your pet a bone.
Chew toys are a great choice because they are made to encourage chewing. They are made up to endure the chewing and help to clean the teeth. A rawhide is fine once in awhile but you don't want to give your dog a steady diet of them. These also could cause them to gain weight and have problems if given too many.
Canine bad breath is not normal so please take care when this happens. Chances are it is his teeth but no matter what is causing it you want it treated. This is not only for your relief but for his comfort even more so than yours.

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Monday, January 28, 2013

My dog has Bloat.What should I do?

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Bloat in dogs ( known as Gastric dilatation volvulus) is a life-threatening emergency that requires immediate veterinary care.  When bloat happens, the dog’s stomach fills fluid and food. The bigger stomach sets pressure on other organs and eventually may decrease blood supply to a dog’s vital organs. Even with immediate treatment, approximately 25% to 40% of dogs die from this medical emergency.
Causes of Bloat in Dogs
Bloat in dogs is likely caused by a multitude of factors, but in every case the immediate prerequisite is a dysfunction of the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach and an obstruction of outflow through the pylorus. Certain risk factors include: rapid eating or eating one large meal daily, dry food-only diet, overeating and heavy exercise after eating, fearful temperament, sometimes is stress, trauma and abnormal gastric motility or hormone secretion. Dogs with inflammatory bowel disease may be at an increased risk for bloat.
Symptoms of Bloat in Dogs
Dog bloat
Distended abdomen                
Excessive salivation
Pale gums
Rapid heartbea
Unfortunately, not all cases of bloat present with typical signs. A high rate of dogs with bloat have cardiac arrhythmias (40% in one study).  A dog that stands uncomfortably and seems to have abdominal pain for no apparent reason may be suffering from bloat or from a number of unrelated conditions. When a large, deep-chested dog is retching, restless and trying to vomit unproductively, painful and drooling, with a distended abdomen, he must be rushed to the nearby veterinary hospital, time is of the essence. Bloat can become fatal within a matter of minutes.
Treatment for Dogs bloat
Depending on your dog’s situation, a veterinarian will take an X-ray of the abdomen to assess the stomach’s position. The vet can extract the stomach and relieve gas and fluid pressure by inserting a tube down the esophagus.  Intravenous fluids may be started to reduce shock; bloodwork may be done to check for abnormalities, and a heart monitor may be set up. Most vets will still recommend surgery to permanently attach the stomach to the side of the abdomen in an attempt to prevent future episodes.
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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Valley fever in dogs- Symptoms and Treatment for Canine Valley Fever

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Canine valley fever originates in a dog as he inhales the coccidioidomycosis fungal spores. These spores are frequently found in dirt as well as in arid areas of the desert. The fungus thrives well in sandy alkaline soils in regions with low rainfall, very high temperatures, as well as low elevation and dusty areas of the deep southwestern United States & especially in Arizona and California along with Texas. It also exists in Mexico and in parts of Central and South America. Although it's not typically fatal, the condition will progress to more severe health concerns, such as pneumonia and the symptoms becomes more detrimental and more pronounced.
Cause of Canine valley fever
Canine valley fever originates in a dog as he inhales the coccidioidomycosis fungal spores. When dogs disturb the soil when digging, they will breathe some of the fungus spores. Usually, the immune system will kill the infection. Even so, if the immune system won't act quick enough, the infection will spread to the lungs and the rest of the body.
Symptoms of valley fever in dogs
The symptoms of  valley fever in dogs do not usually start to surface until about three weeks post-infection. Sometimes, the dog don't possess any signs of a primary infection in the lungs, such as coughing, but is going to develop symptoms of disseminated disease(ie, lameness or seizures). Owners of affected dogs may notice one or more of the following signs in the early course of the disease:
Difficulty breathing
Loss of appetite
The lungs are most often affected by this fungus. The lungs are certainly not really the only organs affected, as this illness may affect any tissue in your dog's body. Frequent symptoms include neck and back pain or seizures, a few dogs also develop skin ulcerations.
Treatment for Canine valley fever
Most dogs with Valley Fever are treated as outpatients. The vet may choose to administer an antifungal treatment (azoles include ketoconazole, itraconazole and fluconazole). For a ample antifungal therapy most dogs recover from the disease. Also,  dogs should be fed a high quality, particularly tasty diet with free access to fresh water. When this disease is properly treated, your dog will probably recover. Almost dogs begin back acting normally 7 days after treatment has begun. However, this illness might be fatal. Older dogs and puppies with a weak immune system have the most risk of dying from this disease.
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Saturday, January 26, 2013

All about Worms in Dogs

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Worms are one of the most common health problems for dog. There are five types of worms that generally affect dogs: heartworms and roundworms, hookworms or tapeworms, and whipworms. Of these four only two are commonly seen in the stool with the unaided eye: roundworms and tapeworms. Therefore, it is important for you to learn how to tell if your dog has worms and obtain the appropriate medication.
Types of Worms in Dogs
Roundworms are the most common type of worms, that can infect your dog's intestines. Usually spread in feces or while pregnancy and nursing, the roundworm causes a serious infection in dogs and puppies. They eats the food of its host and could cause diarrhea and other symptoms. If your dog is infected by these worms, then he will experience symptoms as:
Weight loss
Hookworms can enter through the skin of your dog to reach the lungs. Living mostly in the small intestine, hookworms suck the blood of its host. Young dogs  becomes infected from their mothers. Adult dogs is usually infected via their skin or when cleaning themselves. Infections will cause weakness and malnutrition or anemia and can lead to death in puppies. Also, hookworm infestation can also cause:
Skin dryness
Itchy feet
Bloody stools
Weight loss
Heartworms are spread to dogs through mosquito bites. Out of all the worms, heartworms can be the most dangerous worms that can cause serious illnesses and even death of your pet dogs. Heartworms affect how the heart functions and how blood clots and is likely to cause death if untreated. Per month heartworm preventives are helpful. Symptoms of heartworms include:
Breathing difficulty
As the name suggests these worms look like a whip and inhabit the intestines of the dog, especially the large intestine. Dogs can pick them up from contaminated soil or by grooming. Whipworms usually don't cause severe blood loss or other serious symptoms unless large numbers embed in the intestine. Symptoms of whipworms include
Weight loss
Bloody stools
Tapeworms are one of the most common parasites, that can infect your dogs. Dogs get tapeworms from licking themselves and eating fleas, which have them. Tapeworms absorb some of the dog’s nutrients from the intestine, the place they add. He tapeworm is composed of small segments, every about the size of a grain of rice. These segments can break off in the intestine of your dog and then come out with stools.
Weight loss
Abdominal pain
Treatment for Worms in Dogs
Worms in dogs are treated by first evaluating the severity of the infestation and determining what type of worm is involved. To cure dog worms, veterinarians would prescribe some wormer or medications such as ivermectin or pyrantel pamoate and praziquantel or fenbendazole and milbemycin oxime. The treatment and medication can differ substantially, based on the types of worms that have infected your dog.
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How Effective Are Joint Supplements For Dogs With Arthritis?

3 nhận xét

Just like humans, many dogs suffer from arthritis pain and inflammation over time. Joints and bones naturally degenerate over time. So, Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate supplements are fast becoming the most widely used supplements in dogs' diets. Reason is Glucosamine and chondroitin are two ingredients of supplements that have become widely used in treating both animals and humans for osteoarthritis. Because of the overwhelming success in treating patients with osteoarthritis, these products came to the forefront of therapy and are becoming the most popular products for managing arthritis today. Natural and alternative therapies are generally safe, effective and is usually used in conjunction with western medicine. If your dog is suffering from arthritis, these are some natural remedies that are helpful:
+Supplements Glucosamine and Chondroitin: Glucosamine & Chondroitin are naturally sourced and rarely show any side effects. Occasionally a dog will vomit or diarrhea if started on high doses, however, this might be alleviated if the dose is reduced or given with food. Glucosamine is studied for over 20 years in humans, and is proven effective to relieve arthritic joint pain in animals and humans. The safety of joint supplements makes them well suited for long term use. Please note that it may take four to six weeks before your dog show significant results from these supplements.
+Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Acids Omega 3 essential fatty acid supplement from fish oil or flaxseed oil also works as an anti-inflammatory. These help to lube the joints and help with inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA are often used for the management of the signs of atropy in dogs. Also, Omega 3 oils will also improve the health and appearance of your dog's coat. Omega 3 oils is proven to help reduce excess weight in dogs, a very useful effect as a heavy dog puts more stress on arthritic joints.
+Antioxidants: Nutritional supplements containing enzymes and antioxidants have been shown to reduce inflammation, promote healthy joints, improve circulation and support immune function. Besides Vitamin C, other beneficial antioxidants include Vitamin E, Zinc or Manganese, and Citrus Bioflavonoids.
+Vitamin C & Manganese: Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and is an important nutrient in the synthesis of collagen and cartilage. Supplementing with Vitamin C at a reasonable level will not result in a toxicity and may prove to have a beneficial effect. While,  Manganese ascorbate, in combination with glucosamine and chondroitin, are already found helpful in treating osteoarthritis pain.
+Acupuncture & Physical Therapy: Study after study has shown that acupuncture and Chinese herbs are effective to relieve the pain and inflammation of arthritis in both humans and dogs. Most dogs feel relaxed and pain free after an acupuncture session. Over time, the treatments build on one another, giving much better results with each successive treatment.
In generally, natural approaches to treatment for canine arthritis are generally safe and effective.
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Guide choose Shampoo for Dogs

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Shampoo for Dogs

Anyone who has ever tried to buy dog shampoo will know there are almost as many different types of shampoo for dogs as there are for humans. In a market flooded with numerous brands of dog shampoos on offer it is imperative to be very keen when identifying the shampoo that best suits your dog. So you need to know what kind of shampoo you need for your dog. This article is a guide to the various uses and benefits of dog shampoo, and it also talks about some of the different kinds available.
How is Pet Shampoo different to Our Shampoo?
The most important thing to remember when shampooing a dog is that you should never use human shampoo. That is because shampoos designed for human skin have a higher PH level than those designed for dogs, and this will cause irritation and allergic reactions on their skin.
+Quality ingredients:
When the composition of the shampoos is not good for your dog numerous things will go wrong. Read through the product label to check if your dog is allergic for any elements in the shampoo composition. Efficacy‐ Every pet owner wishes to leave a bright, soft and ecto‐parasite free skin coat after every bath of the pet. The shampoo must achieve its wanted objective within the shortest time possible without having to use much of the shampoo.
+Physical Properties of the shampoos:
This is because shampoos designed for human skin have a higher PH level than those designed for dogs, and this will cause irritation and allergic reactions on their skin. Good dog shampoos should lather very easily, there low PH, have a best scent and retain moisture to the surface of the skin. Different shampoos are formulated according to the different needs of various skin types, so there are many products suitable for normal skin, a few suitable for dry skin, and some designed for particularly oily skin.
If you're looking for something to treat a skin condition, you will discover dog shampoos that help with this as well. Medicated shampoos are prescribed by the doctor in serious cases of pruritis such as part of the management .They is also prescribed in the event of the mange. They include anti inflammatory elements like non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs and corticoids derivatives like hydrocortisone. For example, Allergic dogs could have the hypo‐allergic shampoos that decrease the amount of irritation on the skin. These types of shampoos are helpful in the event of hypersensitivity of the skin that results in varied skin reactions manifesting such as rashes with no specific etiology.
+Cost effectiveness:
Some dogs shampoos are designed to cater for the dirt removal and hair brightening while others are purposely for parasites elimination. One shampoo which has both characteristics is the best since it is relatively priced yet it achieves two main objectives.
Safety and Buying Tips for Dog Shampoo
Be sure to look at the ingredients of your dog shampoo and check for anything that might irritate your dog. Heavy scents and some flea and ticks shampoo may irritate the skin. Follow the guidelines on the bottle and always keep even tearless shampoos out of your dog's eyes. If you try a new shampoo on your dog and it does not react well to it, you must cease applying it immediately. I hope this guide has helped you.
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Thursday, January 24, 2013

All about Dog Pregnancy

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Dog Pregnancy
To understand dog pregnancy, you should first get a general comprehension of how her body works. If you have a dog that is pregnant, it is a great idea to learn about the dog pregnancy stages so you know what to expect during the approximately 63 days that your dog will be pregnant.  It averages 63 days from the day of ovulation (the normal range is 56 to 66 days). Note that the day of ovulation is not usually the same as the day of breeding.  Pregnant dog symptoms are the same from dog to dog.
The Signs of Dog Pregnancy
Your dog could be pregnant and you may not notice anything at all, because the first symptoms are more subtle than any other time. The first pregnant dog symptoms might include a few different things.
+First Stages with Morning Sickness
One of the first things that you will realize in your pregnant dog is a change in your dog’s behavior. You could see your dog vomiting from morning sickness or you might notice that you dog is hungrier than usual. If your dog has morning sickness, your dog may not want to eat much, yet it is important that you feed your dog small meals throughout the day. You need to certainly keep track of how much your dog is drinking to be sure that she does not get dehydrated. Almost dogs won't skip more than one day or two without eating at least a little bit. If your dog decline to eat 3 days in a row, it will eventually then be time to call your vet for a few advice.
+Second Stage with Little Babies in the Belly & Increased Appetite
The second stage occurs at about 30 days. Now, it is very important to see that your dog is eating regularly and well. Some dogs practical experience a marked increase in their appetite nearly immediately on becoming pregnant. If this is the case, your dog may gobble down her food quickly and then remain by her bowl as though asking for much more. It is important to talk to your vet about your dog and what she should be eating and if there are vitamins or anything else you dog should be eating.
+Check Your Dog’s Temperature
The final pregnant dog symptoms that you will notice is a temperature change just before your dog gives birth. If you know the day that your dog mated, you may have a small window of time that your dog will give birth. If you will not know the day, then the best way to tell when your dog is ready to give birth is to monitor her temperature. Dogs have a standard temperature, just as humans, but dogs have a temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit. When your dog goes into labor, the dog’s temperature will raises and then drop to under 98 degrees Fahrenheit. When your dog’s temperature drops, you will expect to see puppies during the next 24 hours of time.
In summary, if you think that your dog may be pregnant, you should take your dog to the vet who will do an ultrasound to determine if your dog really is pregnant. Almost vets will want to wait until your dog is at least 21 days into the pregnancy, since it is easier to see the little puppies in the uterus.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Canine Skin Allergies- Cause, Symptoms and Treament of Skin Allergies in Dogs

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Canine skin allergy is a common condition that causes inflamed and itchy skin. The number of dogs with allergies has increased dramatically in recent years. It is now estimated that one in ten dogs suffer from allergic symptoms. The skin is the largest organ in the body and so it is not entirely surprising that skin diseases account for a significant proportion of visits to both doctors and vets. A wide range of causes including external parasites, infections and allergies, or metabolic problems and stress, or a combination of these might be affecting your dog’s skin.
Canine skin allergies
Causes of Canine Skin Allergies
The main causes of skin allergies in dogs are – atopy (allergies to things that are breathed in), food allergies and contact allergies, as well as flea allergies. Atopic allergies are the most common and are caused by allergic reactions to inhaled allergens such as pollen from trees and grass, which tends to be around for some weeks at a particular time of year. There are many causes of skin abnormalities in dogs, and identifying the main cause is not always simple. Thus, you should visit your vet for an exam as soon as you notice any abnormality in your pet’s skin or hair.
Symptoms of Skin Allergies in Dogs
Skin allergies are common in dogs. There might be all or some of these symptoms. A typical itchiness so that the dog is chewing, licking and scratching in a stressful way, often even stopping to scratch during eating or during a walk. The skin becomes red and inflamed and in extreme cases the skin is broken. The damaged skin eventually will become darkened and thickened. The damaged spots then get bacterial or fungal infections and may begin to smell.
Treatment for Canine Skin Allergies
Treating skin allergies in dogs is never easy and can often be a lifelong battle. Effective treatment of allergic skin reactions depends on the cause of the condition. For instance, if the dog has flea bite hypersensitivity, where by the allergen is flea saliva, treatment needs eliminating the dog’s exposure to fleas. Allergies cannot be cured and require lifelong treatment. Even so, with the appropriate treatments the prognosis is generally very good. If a food allergy is partly or wholly involved, a non allergic diet must be chosen. There are several measures that dog owners can take to help ease a dog’s skin allergy symptoms. They may be include:
If the cause of the allergy has been identified, then the dog is usually treated by injecting it with increasing amounts of the allergen. This may take up to ten months of treatment and works in two thirds of the cases. The initial injections will probably be given at a vet's surgery, to make sure your dog doesn't have an allergic shock reaction. Althought this treatment is going on, your dog continues to need treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs like antihistamines or steroids. Shampoos and ear cleaners may also be useful
+Anti-inflammatory treatment
1. Essential Fatty Acids:These are fish and plant (e.g. Evening Primrose or Borage) oils.
2. Antihistamines:These are the same drugs used to treat allergies and sea sickness in humans, though they should only be given under veterinary supervision. Your vet might want to try several different drugs to find which works the best.
3.Steroids: These are very effective in stopping skin inflammation but in the long run may have side effects
4. Local applications: Peppermint oil or menthol compounds and camomile lotions can be soothing when put on skin that is acutely inflamed.
There is no realistic way to prevent a dog from becoming hypersensitive to things in its environment, which finally may cause intense, randomly skin itchiness and the licking, scratching, biting and self-trauma very often accompany skin allergies. Even so, once the inciting causes of skin allergies are identified, owners will prevent further allergic outbreaks by keeping their dogs away from those allergens.
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Feline Distemper- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Distemper in Cats

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Feline distemper(Feline Panleukopenia virus or call FPV) is a contagious viral disease that affects cats' digestive systems, nervous systems or bone marrow and lymph tissues. This particular virus affects the rapidly dividing blood cells in the body, mostly the cells inside intestinal tract or bone marrow and in the stem cells of the developing fetus. Since the blood cells are under attack, this virus will lead to an anemic condition and can be fatal to the affected cat. Kittens should be vaccinated who are older than 4 to 6 weeks for panleukopenia and receive booster shots each year.
Symptoms of Feline Distemper
Symptoms typically show up within 10 days of infection. The first symptoms to seem are usually a high fever and loss of appetite. Symptoms will vary, they may also include vomiting or diarrhea and dehydration. This disease will kill very rapidly, and is really common. Any cat which is behaving abnormally or has any symptoms should be taken to a vet immediately.
Symptoms other may include:
+Diarrhea or bloody diarrhea
+Weight loss
+Sometimes high fever                                              
+Anemia (cause by lowered red blood cells)
+Rough hair coat
+Complete loss of interest in food
+Some other cats may hide themselves for a day or two
Causes of Feline Distemper
Feline disetemper is primarily spread through contact with an infected animal's bodily fluids, feces, or other fomites, along with by fleas. The virus is shed in the bodily excretions of affected animals for up to 6 weeks following infection and has a particular affinity for feline feces. Feline parvovirus is very resistant to many disinfectants and can survive in the environment for months to years. Cats turn into infected by direct exposure to infected feces, salivary secretions and viral particles on inanimate objects (shoes, food and water dishes, towels or clothing).
Treatment for Feline Distemper
There is no cure for feline distemper. This is why it is important to get kittens vaccinated with the feline distemper vaccine. If your cat affected will require immediate live saving treatment. The primary effects of feline distemper - vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration, depression and dangerous secondary bacterial infections - will quickly become life-threatening if not treated swiftly and aggressively.  And because this virus affects the immune system, your veterinarian may prescribe prophylactic antibiotics to prevent opportunistic infections from taking hold. Provide a quiet, warm space for your cat to recover, away from active areas of the house, and separate from other animals and active children. Follow your veterinarian's guidelines as far as dispensing medication, household disinfection, and necessity for quarantine.
Vaccination is the most important tool in the prevention of this disease. Before you carry a cat into your home be sure to ask your veterinarian to include the FPV vaccine in the standard vaccination package.
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Distemper in Dogs- Cause, Symptoms and Treatment of Canine Distemper

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What is Canine Distemper?
Canine Distemper is a very contagious, popular disease which is often fatal. It is a virus that affects a dog’s respiratory, along with gastrointestinal and central nervous systems, along with the conjunctival membranes of the eye. Worldwide, it is the leading cause of infectious disease deaths in dogs, while in the United States it occurs only sporadically. Though its incidence has diminished greatly caused by vaccination, distemper cases and outbreaks are still found sporadically.
Cause of Canine Distemper
Canine distemper is caused by the canine distemper virus. This virus mayinfect several other species including ferrets and wild animals like coyotes, foxes or wolves, skunks and raccoons. Animals often become infected by primary contact with virus particles from the secretions of other infected animals (typically via inhalation). Indirect transmission (ie., carried on food or other objects) isn't popular because the virus will not survive for long in the environment. The virus is usually shed by dogs for several weeks after recovery.
Symptoms of Canine Distemper
In the initial stages of Canine Distemper, the major symptoms include high fever (103 to 106 degrees Fahrenheit or 39 to 41C), reddened eyes and a watery discharge from the nose or eyes. An infected dog becomes lethargic and tired, and in most cases become anorexic. Persistent coughing and vomiting or diarrhea can also occur. In the later stages of the disease, the virus begins attacking the other systems of the dog’s body, especially the nervous system. The brain and spinal cord might be affected and the dog can begin having fits, seizures or paralysis and attacks of hysteria.
Symptoms may be include:
Canine Distemper
+Fever 39C to 41C (103 to106 degrees Fahrenheit)
+Loss of appetite
+Nasal discharge                                
+Eye infection
Other symptoms: Nerve Symptoms of dog distemper include:
+Muscle twitching
+Deterioration of mental abilities
+Loss of motor skills
+Complete or partial paralysis
+Increased sensitivity to sensory stimuli, like pain or touch (Hyperesthesia)
A fever is sometimes the initial symptom but will go unnoticed. Symptoms become much more severe and noticeable as the disease progresses. Canine distemper is sometimes also know as “hard pad disease” because certain strains of the virus can cause an abnormal enlargement or thickening of the pads of an animal’s feet. In dogs with weak immune systems, death may result 2 to 4 weeks after the initial infection.
Treatment for Canine Distemper
Unfortunately, there is no treatment specific to the distemper virus, so treatment include managing the various symptoms and secondary infections. If the dog has become anorexic or has diarrhea, intravenous supportive fluids might be given. Discharge from the eyes and nose need to be cleaned away regularly. Antibiotics might be prescribed to control the symptoms caused by a secondary infection, and phenobarbitals and potassium bromide may be needed to control convulsions and seizures.
There is no specific treatment for canine distemper, though supportive therapy in the form of intravenous fluids are often given to correct the fluid loss due to vomiting and diarrhoea. The most effective form of protection against this virus is by way of vaccination. You are pleased to know that there are some vaccines that offer a duration of immunity of three years, meaning your dog is protected for a full three years.
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Monday, January 21, 2013

Arthritis in Dogs- Symptoms and Treatment of Dog Arthritis

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Arthritis in dogs is one of the most common health problems seen by veterinarians. When we talk about arthritis in dogs, we're often referring to the leg joints, as well as describing dogs who are stiff and sore when they move. Arthritis affects one out of every five dogs. There are two types of arthritis that affects dogs. The first is known as Osteoarthritis, or OA, and the second is known as Degenerative Joint Disease, or DJD. Some cases of arthritis are related to an immune-mediated joint disease or a joint infection.
Symptoms Of Dog Arthritis
Dogs with degenerative arthritis experience varying degrees of lameness, stiffness, and joint pain, that is more apparent in the morning and after getting up from a nap. They usually exhibit irritability and behavioral changes associated with increasing disability. Cold and damp environment increase pain and stiffness. Degenerative arthritis is progressive, along with in time makes the dog’s life miserable. If a dog has infective arthritis, he shows the symptoms described above, but the affected joints are also often swollen and painful. He usually have a fever, and be quite unwell. The lymph nodes in areas of the infected joints will be enlarged. Similarly, dogs with immune mediated arthritis also have symtoms of fever and reduced appetite or lethargy. The lameness comes and go, and it may appear to affect legs.
Some other symptoms include:
Dog Arthritis
+Favoring a limb                    
+Difficulty sitting or standing
+Sleeping more
+Seeming to have stiff or sore joints
+Hesitancy to jump, run or climb stairs
+Weight gain
+Decreased activity
+Attitude or behavior changes
+Being less alert
If your dog usually have any of these symptoms for more than two weeks take him to your veterinarian for an arthritis evaluation.
Treatment of Dog Arthritis
Once you have determined your dog has arthritis, it is important to start treatment right away. Canine arthritis treatment options can include physical therapy, medications or natural supplements and sometimes even surgery. Acupuncture is another therapy that has shown good results for arthritic dogs. All these should be used at the same time.
+Physical Therapy
Moderate exercise is beneficial because it maintains muscle mass and preserves joint flexibility. Excessive exercise, even so, is counterproductive. Swimming is an excellent exercise that improves muscle mass without overstressing the joints. Exercise is usually increased as the dog improves with the use of medications. Overweight dogs must be encouraged to lose weight. Being overweight very seriously complicates the treatment of arthritis.
+Immune-Mediated Arthritis
Immune-mediated arthritis reacts to anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive drugs, such as corticosteroids and chemotherapy agents. Treatment need to be continued for eight weeks or longer. Your vet will use several drugs or drug combinations before determining which protocol works best for your dog.
In cases where conventional and alternative methods of medical management are not effective, surgical intervention might be considered. The sort of surgery needed will depend on the joint involved. Some surgeries may include: joint replacement (hip, elbow, etc.), fusing damaged joints and
In summary, arthritis in dogs is almost always progressive and irreversible. Fortunately, diet, medication, appropriate exercise are just three of the most effective areas to focus on for arthritis in dogs and help most affected dogs maintain a good quality of life.
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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lyphoma in Dogs- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment for Canine Lyphoma

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Lymphoma (called Lymphosarcoma or Malignant Lymphoma) is one of the most common forms of cancer in dogs. There are between 1 to 5 cases per 10,000 of all dogs per year. Lymphoma in dogs is a common cancer of lymphocytes. Between 15% and 20% of malignant tumors in dogs are lymphomas. Lymphomas may appear in the lymph nodes, spleen or liver, and other organs. The cancer is usually aggressive and if left untreated, can cause to a high mortality. Treatment with chemotherapy has become very successful, adding months and sometimes years to the dog's life.
Symptoms of Canine Lymphoma
The symptoms of lymphoma in dogs usually commonly mimic the symptoms of many other diseases or disorders. Almost owners of dogs with multicentric or disseminated lymphoma first find pronounced enlargement of the lymph nodes on the underside of their dog’s neck or beneath and slightly behind the chin. These include the submandibular lymph nodes (the mandible is the lower jaw bone). Affected dogs usually do not seem painful when their submandibular lymph nodes are palpated and show no other unusual symptoms. Some other signs that owners could notice include one or more of the following:
Lyphoma in Dogs
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+Lethargy (profound)                      
+Exercise intolerance
+Weight loss
+Loss of appetite
+Dark tarry stool (melena; digested blood showing up in the stool)
+Distended abdomen
+Abdominal discomfort
+Increased thirst and intake of water (polydypsia)
+Increased volume of urinate (polyuria)
+Difficulty breathing
+Difficulty swallowing
+Skin nodules and masses (single or multiple)
+Skin scaling
+Bruised or ulcerated skin lesions
+Hair loss (alopecia; uncommon)
+Itchiness (pruritis; uncommon)
You will need to give your veterinarian a thorough history of your dog's health and onset of symptoms. The blood tests may reveal anemia, abnormally low amounts of lymphocytes in the blood (lymphopenia), an abnormally high amount of neutrophils (a type of white blood cell) in the blood (neutrophilia), an abnormally high amount of monocyts (a type of white blood cell) in the blood, and abnormally low amounts of platelets (cells that are important in blood clotting), a condition named thrombocytopenia. The biochemistry profile could show abnormally high amounts of liver enzymes and calcium, a frequent finding with lymphomas. Urinalysis results are often found to be at normal levels in these patients.
Treatment for Canine Lymphoma
The treatment approach is determined by the stage of the disease. In the absence of treatment, almost of the dogs with lymphoma succumb to the disease in 4-6 weeks. The treatment for lymphoma in the dog consists of chemotherapy. Lymphoma is know as a systemic disease, making surgery and radiation impractical and ineffective. There may be a wide variety of chemotherapy protocols and drugs that are currently being used to treat lymphoma. The treatment commonly consists of a combination of oral and injectable drugs given on a weekly basis. Some other commonly used drugs include cyclophosphamide, vincristine or doxorubicin, and prednisone.  During chemotherapy, patients are more prone to various infections, which can quickly become complicated, so you will need to watch your dog for any signs of infection. Call your veterinarian immediately if you observe any untoward symptom in your dog. While most veterinarians can administer the treatment protocols, owners of a dog with lymphoma could initially want to look for a consultation with a veterinary oncologist to inform themselves of any new treatment recommendations.
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Friday, January 18, 2013

Dog Allergies - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Allergies in Dogs

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One of the most common conditions affecting dogs is allergy, dogs can show allergic symptoms when their immune systems begin to recognize certain everyday substances-or allergens- as dangerous. There is a wide variety of allergies that dogs can suffer from, but the most common is itching of the skin, sometimes localized (one area) or generalized (all over the dog). Some other manifestation involves the digestive system, resulting in vomiting or diarrhea. Allergic dogs may also suffer from secondary bacterial or yeast skin infections, that may cause hair loss, scabs or crusts on the skin.
Dog Allergies Symptoms
Dog Allergies
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  +Itchy, red, moist or scabbed skin    
  +Increased scratching
  +Itchy, runny eyes
  +Itchy back or base of tail (most commonly flea allergy)
  +Itchy ears and ear infections
  +Snoring caused by an inflamed throat
  +Paw chewing/swollen paws
  +Constant licking
In some cases, the symptoms involve the respiratory system, with coughing, sneezing, or wheezing. Sometimes, there could be runny discharge from eyes or nose.
Causes of Dog Allergies
There are five main categories of allergies in dogs
+Food allergies: The most popular symptoms of food allergies consist of skin irritation, excessive itching and hair loss or hot spots. Also, they may be cause the dog to have loose bowel movements and even cause them to throw up from time to time. Some of causes for food allergies including a built-up intolerance to beef, dairy products or chicken, corn and soy.  The easiest solution is to change to a different dry dog food, and if this is not the answer, a visit at your vet is necessary for further assistance.
+Flea: Such as food allergies, the dog will develop redness to the skin, become itchy, and can start chewing in spots. The main cause of dog fleas is the saliva of fleas that irritates dog’s skin. As well as mosquitoes, fleas suck the blood out of the dog. Can treatment is giving the dog a bath in cool water with a shampoo designed for fleas. If your dog has chewed his own skin, antibiotics might be sometimes necessary, depending on the severity of the problem.
+Bacteria: Bacterial allergies is usually identified by red blotches, pus pockets or hair loss and skin formation that looks like ringworm. Sometimes, bacteria allergies are secondary to other problems the dog may have such as parasitism or hormonal disorders.
+Contact Allergy: The symptoms of contact allergies are very similar to flea and bacteria allergies symptoms. The main cause for contact allergies is the dog coming into contact with any kinds of allergens. Anything from the bedding, chemicals and plants, or household cleaning products can bring on contact allergies. There are many different treatment methods including using a certain kind of shampoo, a prescribed oral form of steroids, and any natural treatments like omega-3.
+Atopy(Airborne Allergy ): Atopy allergies start with itching, biting or hair loss and face rubbing. Some other symptoms may be papules, that are small red bumps, or pustules, that are small pimple-like lesions. Atopy allergies are usually caused by fleas, but can also be caused by airborne and chemical.
Dog Allergies Treatment
+Anti-inflammatory therapy: Treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs such as corticosteroids and antihistamines, will easily block the allergic reaction in many cases. Fatty acid supplements of the diet will improve the response to steroids and antihistamines in some cases.
+Shampoo therapy: Frequent bathing with a hypoallergenic shampoo may be soothing. The bathing can also rinse out allergens in the coat that could be absorbed through the skin. Some other therapeutic shampoos contain anti-inflammatory ingredients that may further benefit your dog.
+Hyposensitization therapy: If the specific offending antigens are identified by allergy tests, an allergy injection serum or "allergy shots" may be given to the patient. Using this treatment, small amounts of the antigen are injected weekly. Success rates vary with this treatment.  Approximately 50% of treated dogs will see significant improvement in their clinical signs while approximately 25% more will see a decrease in the amount or frequency or corticosteroid usage.
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Dog Ear Mites- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Ear Mites in Dogs

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What is Dog Ear Mites?
Ear Mites in Dogs isn't  disease but rather a symptom. Otodectes cynotis mites, most commonly called ear mites, common and relatively mild parasite infection. Ear mites are not like fleas, because they do not eat of their host’s blood. Rather, ear mites will eat of ear wax, ear tissues and other oils inside the ear canal.  Ear mites are the most common cause of ear symptoms in puppies and young adult dogs. Dog ear mites symptoms are the same to an ear infection, however there is one major difference between ear infections and dog ear mites. If you suspect your dog has an ear infection, you consult with your veterinarian to obtain a correct diagnosis.
Symptoms of Ear Mites in Dogs
When it comes to symptoms of ear mites in dogs, because you will not see them, you may have to look for other signs. Don’t worry, your pet will display obvious enough signs of discomfort that you will know. Affected dogs will have extremely itchy, irritated or sensitive ears and will be very uncomfortable. They will try to reduce their discomfort by scratching at their ears, and head or neck vigorously and relentlessly. They will rub their ears on the ground and on furniture or will shake their heads violently. You may also notice a foul odor coming from the ears. Some other symptoms include:
Dog Ear Mites
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+Itching of the ears, head and neck                            
+Sometimes generalized itching
+Excessive scratching at ears or around head
+Frequently shaking the head
+Thick red-brown crusts in the outer ear
+Scratches on the back side of the ears
+Crusting and scale on the neck and rump or tail
Causes of Ear Mites in Dogs
The number one most common reason for ear mites in dogs is coming in contact with an infected animal. Ear mites are transmitted from dog to dog from both direct and indirect contact, however all mites begin their life on infected animal. Fortunately, they are not contagious to people, because they won't live very long on the skin of humans.
Treatment of Ear Mite in Dogs
You have two options for treatment of your dog’s ear mites, and that is to do it yourself or carry your dog to the veterinarian. However, in any case the first step in treatment will include a thorough cleaning of the dog’s ear to remove debris and other waxy substances to allow the medication to reach the dog’s skin and not just make contact with the wax. The best way to clean the ear is by using cotton balls and canine ear cleaner. When the cleaning is completed, the vet will often prescribe either an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory medications. It also popular to see topical ointments and drops used to get rid of ear mites in dogs.
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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cat Ear Mites- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Ear Mite in Cats

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Ear mite infection is one of the most common health problems seen in cats. Ear mites are tiny parasites that live out their life cycle mostly inside the ear canal.They are very common, and will cause severe irritation and itchiness of the ears. Complications may arise when an animal has an immune hypersensitivity reaction that results in intense irritation of the external ear. Ear mites are most often seen in kittens, but they can influence cats of any age.
Symptoms of Ear mite in Cats
Cats that are afflicted with ear mites will typically scratch at the ears excessively and shake their heads, even dragging out their own hair and drawing blood as they scratch. This type of mange is common in young cats, although it may appear at any age. It is known for being highly contagious, regularly passing from parent to newborn, as well as between animals of different species (this mite does not affect humans). Not all cats will display symptoms of ear mites but often they will scratch at their ears & or shake their heads.
Other symptoms can include:
+Itching of the ears, head and neck
+Sometimes generalized itching
+Frequently shaking the head
+Thick red-brown and black crusts in the outer ear
+Coffee ground as bumps in the ear canal
+Abrasions or scratches on the back side of the ears
+Crusting and scale on the neck, rump and tail
+Reddish/brown discharge in the ear
+Bleeding from the ear
+Scratch marks
Cat ear mites
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Cause of Ear mite in Cats
Ear mites thrive in the warm moist area where the air flow is restricted. They eat epidermal debris and ear wax. Ear mites primarily live in the ear canal, where they eat skin debris. Their presence causes inflammation, and may lead to secondary ear infections. Cats are more commonly affected than dogs. Ear mites are spread generally by direct contact with another animal that has ear mites (they are commonly seen in outdoor cats).
Treatment of Ear mite in Cats
You can purchase ear mite treatments from your usual pet supply store or your veterinarian will prescribe an oily insecticide to treat the ear canals.The best way to do this is with a cotton ball or soft cloth dipped in vegetable oil. Your veterinarian will be able to prescribe a commercial insecticide to kill the mites and you must continue for two weeks to beat the life cycle of the mite.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cat Diarrhea- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Diarrhea in Cats

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Diarrhea in cats is not a disease but rather a symptom.  Diarrhea is characterized by frequent loose or liquid bowel movements. In most cases, cats experience diarrhea from exposure to an outside factor such as parasites, bacteria, or protozoa. A single bout of diarrhea is generally not a cause for concern in cats-but if it persists for more than a day or two, it can lead to dehydration. This could be a minor problem or could signify a more serious illness.
Causes of Diarrhea in Cats
One of the most often causes of diarrhea in cats is parasites. Hookworms, tapeworms or roundworms, and whipworms will all cause cats to experience diarrhea. Cats may also have diarrhea if they become infected with certain types of protozoa, such as Giardia, which thrive in contaminated drinking water.
+Intestinal Bacteria.
Diarrhea in cats can also occur if the number of healthy intestinal bacteria with the number of bad intestinal bacteria becomes disrupted. This disruption can appear from a change in diet, eating foul meats or stress, such as colitis, that may interrupt the normal healthy balance of bacteria in the intestines.
In some instances, cats can experience diarrhea due to an underlying disease or infection. An underlying infection, like an abscessed tooth, may cause diarrhea in cats. Also, other causes could include: food allergies(A sudden switch in your cat's food can cause diarrhea. Food allergies and food intolerances can also cause diarrhea).
Symptoms of Diarrhea in Cats
If your cat has any of the following symptoms as well as diarrhea then you should consult with your vet:
Cat Diarrhea
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+Blood in the diarrhea
+Lethargy or depression
+Weight Loss
+Loss of appetite
+Foul smelling diarrhea
Treatment for Diarrhea in Cats
If your cat is only mildly ill, it may be treated on an outpatient basis, but patients with severe dehydration or vomiting should be hospitalized for fluid and electrolyte therapy. Shock fluid therapy could be necessary. Potassium supplementation could be required in very ill patients but it should not be given simultaneously with the shock fluid therapy. Patients that are mildly ill, and aren't vomiting should follow a period of fasting (12–24 hours), which is usually followed by a bland diet, like boiled rice and chicken or a prescription diet. Your veterinarian will prescribe the appropriate medicine for your cat’s diagnosis. Anti-secretory drugs, intestinal protectants or dewormers are the most commonly prescribed medications.
As you can see there are many causes of diarrhea in cats and kittens. If diarrhea persists you need to seek advice from your vet.
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Dog Bite - Treatment for Dog Bite

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Dog bites are common, especially in children. Almost one half of all dog bites involve an animal owned by the victim's family or neighbors. In most cases, the wound that results from an animal bite is minor and can be treated with simple first aid. This includes: cleaning the wound immediately and thoroughly by running it under warm water for a couple of minutes encouraging the wound to bleed by gently squeezing it, unless it is already bleeding freely using painkillers, like ibuprofen or paracetamol, to help relieve the pain and infection.
The most common complication of an animal or human bite is the bite becoming infected by bacteria. The saliva of any mammal contains hundreds of million bacteria from many different species, many of which can cause an infection. Signs that a bite has become infected include the following:
Dog Bite
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+Redness and swelling around the wound
+The wound becomes more painful
+Fluid or pus is leaking from the wound
What is the treatment for a dog bite?
There are three important treatment issues that need to be addressed with a dog bite:,the skin damage, injury to underlying tissues like muscle, nerve, and bone or infection.
Treatment for Dog Bite ( with Puncture Wounds)
Puncture wounds are those in which the dog's teeth pierce into the skin but no tearing of the skin takes place. The treatment must be administered as soon as the victim has managed to set himself free of the dog or at least within eight hours of the bite. Secure the dog up in a crate and take the victim as far away as possible from the dog. Begin administering the treatment by following basic first aid guidelines. If the victim is bleeding badly, consider stopping the bleeding by applying pressure. When the bleeding stops, clean up the area of the bite with an antibacterial or anti-septic solution
Treatment for Dog Bite (with Laceration)
In case of laceration wounds, the skin is torn by the penetration of the dog's teeth into the skin. This is a serious type of wound and demands immediate medical attention. Stitches might be required to cure this type of wound and it often leaves back a noticeable scar. This type of wound might also require more time to heal as compared to the puncture wounds.
Dog Bite Care
In both the types of dog bites, antibiotics should be administered to prevent infections that can be caused by the bacteria deposited by the dog's teeth. Allowing the blood to flow for some minutes after the bite will also help eliminate the bacteria. If the dog has it vaccinations in place, the victim could require a tetanus shot, else rabies vaccination must be administered. It is essential for the prevention of rabies and sepsis.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cat Eye Infection- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Eye Infection in Cats

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Eye infections in cats are quite common and are caused by a variety of pathogens. There are a number of disorders that result in eye infections in cats and they may be viral, protazoa, or bacterial, parasitic or fungal. Eye infections can affect one (unilateral) or both eyes (bilateral). Luckily, most feline eye disease can be successfully treated by a veterinarian.
Causes of Cat Eye Infection
Different parts of the eyeball and surrounding area can become infected or inflamed. If it's the conjunctiva (the pink membrane which covers the front of the eyeball & the inside of the eyelids), it is known as "conjunctivitis". Conjunctivitis is probably the most common eye infection in cats. There are several causes of cat eye infections including viral, and bacterial, or fungal infectious agents. Viral eye infection in cats caused by the Feline herpesvirus-1 is the most frequent cause of feline conjunctivitis, or redness the eye. Feline herpesvirus-1 is very frequent in cats. Eye problems in cats are not as common as in dogs, but are still usually encountered in veterinary clinics.
What are the symptoms of eye infection in cats?
Cat eye infection
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Symptoms can include:
+Redness in the eye
+Swollen eyes or eyelids
+Excessive tearing
+Crusting over the eyelid
+Change in appearance of the eye (cloudy colour)
The most common symptoms are redness and discharge in the eye. Bacterial infection must be treated with antibiotics or medicated eye drops prescribed by your veterinarian.
Treatment of Cat Eye Infection
Oral treatments such as interferon and lysine can help shorten the course of infection and/or prevent future infections. Cat eye infections which are caused by bacteria are also treated with topical antibacterial ointments twice daily for 14 days. Treatment for fungal eye infection in cats includes the use of oral anti-fungal medications as fluconazole, triazole or voriconazole and itraconazole. If the vet prescribes certain antibiotic medications you will have to administer them on time. You may also have to use eye drops to bring relief from the itching and inflammation. Also wash your hands thoroughly after you touch your cat eyes as you could contaminate other surfaces even though you may not contract the infection yourself.
Cat eye infections can cause your pet a lot of discomfort. So as to protect your cat eyesight you must make sure that the infection doesn’t progress. You need to therefore seek medical help soon after the symptoms arise.
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Dog Upset Stomach- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Upset Stomach in Dogs

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Stomach upset in dogs is a common problem that most dog owners have to deal with. Dogs can be vulnerable to stomach ailments like human. Eating large volumes of food or the wrong types of food can lead to an upset stomach. Almost dogs recover quickly but some may need to visit the veterinarian. In any case, consult with your veterinarian as soon as possible.
Causes of Upset Stomach in Dogs
The most common causes of upset stomach are dog diet related. Dogs may be allergic to the food they are eating, or eat too fast, or eat too much. It’s also popular for dogs to eat things they shouldn’t like coins, string, balls, food wrappers, etc . Stress, motion sickness and physical trauma may also cause upset stomach. Any of these issues can cause upset stomach in your pet. Some  more possible causes are:
+Changes made in a dog’s diet
+Parasites like worms
+Stale food
+Injury to the stomach area
+Serious Stomach Issues
Symptoms of Upset Stomach in Dogs
Dogs get an upset stomach from several causes that might range from eating too fast to an obstruction in their intestines. Below are some of the most common symptoms that your dog may have an upset tummy:
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+Lack of appetite
+Increased thirst
+High fever
These symptoms can appear individually or in combination with some other symptoms.

Treatment for Upset Stomach in Dogs
If the cause of your dog’s upset stomach is not something serious, your vet will may tell you to rest your dog’s stomach for 24 hours and don’t feed him in order to let his stomach calm itself. After the completion of 24 hours, you will feed the dog a little bland food to check if the upset stomach is any better. While feeding the dog bland food, you may add a little yogurt to the food. The bacteria in the yogurt can help regulate the dog's bowel movements and will also reduce intestinal inflammation. Your vet may also give you other instructions to help your queasy pet feel better by telling you to give him an appropriate dose of something like Pepto-Bismol.
Monitoring is Important
It’s important to monitor the situation to make sure things aren’t getting worse, be sure to pay attention to your dog’s condition. If the above methods aren’t working, your vet may have to intervene. For example, sometimes upset stomach and throwing up can mean your dog has an infestation of parasites like round worms and must be treated accordingly
Generally, by knowing the symptoms and causes of upset stomach in dogs, you can better be able to recognize your dog's discomfort and get him treated quickly.

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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Diet for Kidney Failure in Dogs

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Though there is no cure for chronic renal failure, there are many steps that can be taken to minimize the symptoms and slow the progression of the disease(For example, feeding your dog a especially formulated kidney diet, or anoother diet low in protein, phosphorus, calcium, and sodium, is often very helpful). These especially formulated foods will usually have a higher level of potassium and polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids), and both have shown to be beneficial to the kidneys. The downside is that these foods aren't flavorful. The best diet depends on the stage of kidney disease present as one specific kidney diet does not fit all stages of kidney disease. If your dog is resistant to its new diet, a small amounts of tuna juice, chicken stock, or anoother flavor enhancers can be used with guidance from your veterinarian. It is important that you understand the nature and severity of your pet's kidney condition before selecting a suitable diet.
Recipes for Dogs with Kidney Disease
Dogs with kidney disease can fed using the following renal diet recipes:
Recipe 1
1 egg, large, cooked
3 cups potato, boiled with skin
1 tablespoon chicken fat
1 1/2 calcium carbonate tablets (600mg calcium)
1/2 mulitple-mineral tablet

Recipe 2
1/4 cup cooked chicken breast
3 cups potato, boiled with skin
2 tablespoons chicken fat
1 1/2 calcium carbonate tablets (600mg calcium)
1/2 multiple vitamin-mineral tablet

Recipe 3
2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
6 tablespoons. low sodium, low fat chicken broth
1/2 cup cold water
1 cup cooked vegetable (green beans, and carrots or mixed)
In Summary
While prescription diets do have a place in the treatment of pets with kidney disease, numerous high quality pet foods are likely to be acceptable in the earlier stages of kidney disease and may avoid detrimental states like protein malnourishment and muscle loss. Supplements, like Omega-3 fatty acids , B-vitamins and antioxidants, can be added to a commercial diet to help support kidney health.
Living and Management
Kid failure in dogs are a progressive disease. Dogs experiencing this disease must be monitored on an ongoing basis, with consistent check-ups to ensure that it is not necessary to make changes to medications or diet.
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Kidney Failure in Dogs-Cause,Symptoms and Treatment of Kidney Failure in Dogs

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What is kidney failure in dogs?
Kidney (renal) failure is a common finding in dogs. Kidney failure is defined as the inability of the kidneys to remove waste products from the blood. The bodies of dogs produce toxins all  everyday and the toxins circulate to the kidneys to be mixed in water, filtered out and excreted through urination. The buildup of toxins produces the signs and symptoms of uremic poisoning. Kidney failure may be appear suddenly (acute kidney failure) or come on gradually over months. Ten in every 1,000 dogs that are examined suffer from chronic renal disease. And while dogs of any age may be diagnosed with the kidney disease, it is more typically seen in older dogs.
What Are The Signs Of Kidney Failure In Dogs?
The first sign that there is a problem is when your pet begins to drink water and urinate excessively. At first, it is usual for owners to ignore this. These signs are caused by the failure of the kidneys to concentrate the urine. This results in a large urine output that the dog has no control, then  dehydration and thirst. As kidney function declines, the dog keeps ammonia, nitrogen, acids, and other chemical wastes in  blood and tissues(This is called uremia). Signs of uremia are apathy and depression, loss of appetite and weight, a brownish discoloration to the surface of the tongue, and an ammonia odor in the breath. Dogs at this stage can urinate less than normal. Ulcers can arise in the mouth. With the nephrotic syndrome the dog can develops ascites and edema. Vomiting with diarrhea, and gastrointestinal bleeding can occur. At the end stages of kidney failure, the dog may falls into a coma.
Symptoms of kidney failure in dogs
Symptoms usually occur gradually over an extended petriod of time. In addition, symptoms can vary and not all of those listed below will be seen in every dog:
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+Weight loss
+Increased thirst
+Lack of appetite (anorexia)
+Acute blindness
+Seizures and comas
+Blood in the urine (hematuria)
An increase in the frequency and number of urination
When kidney failure is acute, symptoms come on quickly and are usually severe. The three symptoms need to watch  are:
+Complete loss of appetite
+Marked lethargy
Other symptoms you might notice:
+Straining when urinate and decreased urine production
+Physical weakness and loss of coordination
A dog with renal failure can't produce urine that's concentrated. So, the two main symptoms for renal failure are excessive thirst and frequent urination. Sometimes, symptoms for renal failure aren't usually obvious until most of the kidney function is already lost, so the disease had been active for months or years and already be in the last stages. If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, or if you know or even suspect, call your vet or an animal emergency clinic immediately.
Causes of kidney failure in dogs
Causes of kidney failure can include
+Kidney disease
 +Urinary blockage (obstruction of the urinary tract or of the ureters)
+Certain prescription medications
+Diabetes mellitus
+Genetic (hereditary) factors.
+Rupture of the bladder or urethra
+Poisoning, especially from antifreeze
+Lyme disease
Kidney disease in dogs can be reliably diagnosed through blood and urine tests. The common blood tests are a complete blood count (CBC) and a serum biochemical profile. The veterinarian will also determine the urine’s specific gravity(with specific gravity  is the weight of a substance compared with the weight of an equal amount of some other substance taken as a standard). For liquids, the standard is water. Normal canine urine has a specific weight when compared with an equal amount of water. Urine that is abnormally dilute (low specific gravity) is highly suggestive of kidney disease.
Treatment of kidney failure in dogs
In cases of acute kidney disease, the dogs usually has severe signs that occurred suddenly. It can include depression, vomiting or fever, loss of appetite, and changes in the amount of urination. Dogs with kidney failure require periodic monitoring of blood chemistries to detect changes in kidney function that may require medical intervention. Most important step is to restrict salt intake. This wil helps prevent edema, ascites, and hypertension. If the dog is vomiting because of the renal disease, treatment can include giving frequent small meals and medications such as cimetidine or chlorpromazine. The nausea can come and go through the day so small meals offered throughout the day can increase the overall food intake. Dogs suffering from long-term kidney failure will often undergo fluid therapy to assist with depleted body fluid levels (dehydration). Dietary protein is often restricted, because it can further compound the problem. Some other veterinarians believe that as long as the protein is of high biological value, it may help the kidneys retain their function.
Some types of kidney failure are acute and mild, and if the dog is well supported medically, there will be a complete recovery. With chronic renal failure, there is no cure; the disease must be controlled as well as possible for the rest of the dog’s life.
Dialysis describes two therapies that try to duplicate the filtering tasks of the kidneys. Hemodialysis is the second technique. This therapy is only available at some referral centers across the country, because the equipment is expensive and has to be specially designed to work with dogs.
+Kidney Transplant
Another option for dogs with terminal kidney failure is to consider a kidney transplant. Kidney transplants are only done some veterinary referral centers, but have become more common.
Kidney failure problems in dogs are common and serious but with quick treatment and a change in lifestyle, some dogs can continue to lead long, normal and happy lives.
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