Friday, December 7, 2012

How is canine diabetes diagnosed?Treatment for diabetes in dogs

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+Is my dog at risk?
Diabetes is one of the most common endocrine diseases affecting obese dogs and middle-aged dogs, with 60 percent of patients older than seven at the time of diagnosis. Diabetes seldom occurs in dogs younger than two year of age, and it is more common in females and neutered males than in intact males. Keeshonds,Poodles,Miniature Pinschers and Siberian Huskies may be at higher risk.
+How is canine diabetes diagnosed?
Diabetes can be a silent disease, so diagnosis is based on the signs the dog is displaying. Diagnosing diabetes is done through a series of blood tests and urine tests. A blood test that measures your dog’s blood glucose level is the most common diagnostic tool,normal levels for a dog will be 70 - 150 mg/dl, a diabetic dogs blood sugar might be greater then 200 mg/dl, but a high glucose level does not always mean diabetes. Your veterinarian will check your dogs urine for glucose, these testing are necessary to rule out other diseases that have similar symptoms to diabetes.
+The treatment for diabetes in dogs
Like in human, the treatment for diabetes in dogs through diet and insulin therapy. Your pet will need to be kept on a strict regimen of feedings and insulin injections, insulin must be injected and often needs to be given twice daily. For insulin to be most effective, insulin need injected just under the skin. A high fiber diet, proper weight management and regular exercise   can aid in control of diabetes mellitus.
Reason Insulin Is the Best Treatment for Diabetic Dogs?
The reason that insulin is the best treatment for canine diabetes is the fact that dogs with diabetes almost always suffer from insulin-dependent diabetes.
+Prevention of Canine Diabetes
A healthy diet and regular exercise usually is one of the most important things when it comes to prevention of canine diabetes.
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Thursday, December 6, 2012

The symptoms and causes of Canine Diabetes

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For years the rate of diabetes in America’s pets has more than tripled since 1975, so that today it affects about 1 in every 400 dogs. Diabetes is a common ailment in dogs,it seems to be more common  in middle aged dogs and in obese dogs. There are two types of diabetes: type 1 in which the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin and type two in which the body's cells don't respond appropriately to insulin. Known as a silent killer, if not detected is a serious disease that strikes dogs and if left untreated can cause serious health complications. The key to protection is first knowing the symptoms & causes for canine diabetes.
The symptoms of canine diabetes:
 +Drinking more
 +Urinating more
 +Weight loss
 +Increased appetite
 +Sudden cataract formation
In more advanced cases is vomiting, weakness and coma. If your dog has any of these symptoms see your veterinarian immediately.
Pinpointing the causes of diabetes can lower your dog risk of developing this disease. What Are the causes of canine diabetes?
+Obesity:Dogs that are overweight have a higher risk of getting diabetes. Obesity can cause insulin resistance,when a dog does not produce insulin or can't use it normally, his blood sugar levels elevate the result is diabetes.
 +Old Age:Dogs who are middle aged to old aged are more likely to develop diabetes than younger dogs.
+Hereditary:Canine diabetes can be hereditary. If the dog's parents have diabetes there is a good chance he will also develop canine diabetes at some point.
+Reproductive Hormones:Reproductive hormones that may be present in an unspayed or an un-neutered canine may increase glucose levels and cause the dog to develop canine diabetes.
+Steroids:Regular steroid shots can cause under-production of insulin due to its negative effect    on the pancreas,then cause diabetes.
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Saturday, December 1, 2012

What is diabetes in dogs?

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Diabetes mellitus is a common disease in canines. Golden Retrievers, German Shepherd Dogs, Miniature Schnauzers, Poodles have the highest incidence but all breeds can be affected. Diabetes results when the dog’s body makes too little insulin or doesn’t process insulin properly. Diabetes mainly affects middle-aged and older dogs but there are also juvenile cases.
Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease that commonly occurs in dogs. There are two types of diabetes: type 1 in which the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin and type two in which the body's cells don't respond appropriately to insulin. The normal pancreas has two essential functions(It secretes enzymes that assist with digestion in the small intestine+It produces a hormone called insulin that enables the body to absorb glucose from the bloodstream).Without insulin, the body's cells cannot absorb the glucose, it's major fuel source. Glucose in the urine causes the diabetic animal to excrete large volumes of urine.
Diabetes in dogs is increasingly popular but it can be controlled and need not shorten the animal's life span or interfere with quality of life.
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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Treatment for Feline Diabetes

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The purpose of feline diabetes treatment is to slow the disease's progress by maintaining normal blood glucose levels. Each diabetic cat is a personal,and each responds differently to treatment. A few diabetic cats are easy to regulate,others aren't. There are possible regimes for the diabetic cat. Depending on the seriousness of the disease, in mild cases the cat may be managed with diet alone. In cats with more severe diabetes, insulin injections might be required for the remainder of their lives.
Successful management of  the diabetic cat is a challenge  to both you as owners and to us as veterinarians. Treatment of diabetes involves daily insulin injections, weight control and dietary management, in addition to recognising and treating any complications as early as possible. In many cases it may take 2-3 months to fully stabilise a diabetic cat (i.e. achieve blood sugar levels at a consistent level, low enough to cease signs of diabetes).Generally treament for feline diabetes falls into three categories:Insulin injections, Diet and Oral Hypoglycemic Medications.
+Insulin injections
Insulin is the cornerstone of treatment of most diabetic cats. Most diabetic cats require insulin injections administered under their skin twice daily. The injections can be given at home, generally at the same time each day. Currently, insulin can only be given by injection. The choice of insulin type thus depends on the veterinarian’s preference and experience, together with the response of each individual cat. Insulin type, dose and frequency of administration are important aspects of diabetes treatment.
In addition to giving your pet insulin,the first part of treatment for your diabetic cat probably will involve changes to your pet's diet. Diabetic cats are usually put on high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets. Obese cats are more likely to develop diabetes. In fact, kitties who weigh in at 15 pounds or more have double the risk of diabetes than the under-15-pound crowd. If your cat is overweight, you should help him lose weight through diet and increased exercise. Your veterinarian can tailor a safe weight-loss program,in which your pet loses weight gradually.
A high-fiber diet helps control diabetes by regulating the rate at which nutrients are taken into body cells. This keeps blood sugar levels more consistent and weight loss. Many diabetic kitties can have their blood sugar levels returned to normal through diet and weight loss alone.
+Oral Hypoglycemic Medications
Diabetic cats can sometimes be successfully treated with glipizide, an orally administered hypoglycemic medications that lowers blood glucose. Oral medications like glipizide that stimulate the pancreas, promoting insulin release (or reduce glucose production), are less and less used in kitties,and these drugs may be completely ineffective if the pancreas is not working. There are some oral medications, but they have more side effects(although uncommon): include vomiting, loss of appetite, liver damage and are mainly used when insulin can't be used for some reason. In addition, the administration of oral medication on a long-term basis is difficult for many cats and their owners, insulin injections might be a better choice for them.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Diagnosis of Feline Diabetes mellitus

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Like humans, the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in cats is based upon the presence of persistently high blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) even when the animal had not eaten recently (fasted), glucose in the urine (glucosuria), and clinical signs. Weight loss, poor coat, dehydration can all point to diabetes (but may be caused by other diseases also).
Urine testing is adequate to show that a cat is diabetic but may not be accurate enough to enable proper control of blood sugar, so blood testing may be necessary. Diagnosis based on a single blood test may prove inaccurate as it is possible for the blood to show elevated glucose levels as a result of stress (transient hyperglycaemia).
Therefore a diagnosis based on a single blood & or urine test can’t give a definite diagnosis of diabetes. There are actually several solutions to this. Conduct several blood & urine tests over time. Try and collect a urine sample from home, when the cat is not stressed out.
Once diabetes has been diagnosed,immediate treatment is necessary.If untreated,diabetes will shorten a cat's lifespan.
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Sunday, November 18, 2012

The symptoms and causes of feline diabetes

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Diabetes mellitus is a common disease in cats.The causes and symptoms in cats are similar to those in humans.There are two types of diabetes: insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus(IDDM) and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus(NIDDM).About one-half to three-quarters of diabetic cat have and thus require insulin injections as soon as the disease is diagnosed.The rest have NIDDM, having said that most ultimately require insulin injections to control their disease. 
The first obvious symptoms of feline diabetes:
+Weight loss
+Excess urination and drinking
+Appetite is suddenly or no
+Weakness in hind legs
+Bad breath
The causes of feline diabetes.Did you know?
Nobody knows the exact cause of diabetes yet but obesity is a common cause of diabetes so preventing obesity can prevent diabetes in some cats. Cats that are at a higher risk of developing diabetes are middle aged cats (7-10 years), male neutered cats, Burmese cats .etc.
Depending on the severity & length of time your cat has been a diabetic you may not see all of these symptoms.Despite being so common, feline diabetes is often surrounded by much confusion,the disease has numerous differences when compared to diabetes mellitus in dogs and people, it is usually difficult to manage, and owner compliance and homecare forms an important part of the management. However with the right information and support from the veterinary practice, almost owners will cope well with treating a diabetic cat and owners play a vital role in maximising the chance of successful treatment.
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Friday, November 16, 2012

Feline Diabetes?What is diabetes mellitus?

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Diabetes mellitus strikes 1 in 500 cats, though recent veterinary studies note that it has become increasingly popular. Symptoms in cats are similar to those in humans. Diabetes in cats occurs less often than in dogs. Diabetes mellitus-also known as "sugar" diabetes-is a complex but common disease in which a cat's body either doesn't produce or doesn't properly use insulin. In normal animals insulin is produced by the pancreas gland to control cell uptake and metabolism of glucose. Without having insulin, cells are starved of energy and the body starts to break down fat and protein as alternative energy sources. Too much glucose circulating in the blood aren't  utilised. Its excretion by the kidneys causes loss of large amounts of fluid, causing increased urination and subsequently increased thirst. Diabetes mellitus may occur either as failure of the pancreas gland to produce sufficient insulin or as a resistance of tissue cells to insulin.
Diabetes mellitus is generally divided into two different types in cats: insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), and also non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). About one-half to three-quarters of diabetic cats have and thus require insulin injections as soon as the disease is diagnosed. The rest have NIDDM, having said that most ultimately require insulin injections to control their disease.
While diabetes mellitus can affect any cat, it usually occurs in older, obese cats. Male cats are more usually afflicted than females. Diabetes may result from other diseases such as primary pancreatic disease ..etc.
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My pet has diabetes

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Diabetes mellitus may be a common sickness in cats and dogs.Its occurrence is increasing, possibly due to an increase in being overweight in both varieties.Diabetes mellitus strikes 1 in 500 cats and a similar broad variety of creatures. That broad variety seems to be enhancing in cats, lately as great as 1 in 50 by some reviews. Causes are still being analyzed.Symptoms in animals are just like those in people, losing weight, excess urinating.... Generally, most diabetic dogs are type-1, most cats are type-2.Fortunately, diabetes can be handled and does not mean a loss of life sentence for your dearest pet.By working with the vet, your pet can continue to live a long and healthy lifestyle.
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