Thursday, February 14, 2013

Useful Tips for First Time Cat Owners


So you want to have a cat for a pet? That's all fine, since cats are among the leading choices for pets and they actually do make excellent pets, but what if it is your very first time to have a feline as your pet, are you ready to take care of it? And when I say take care of it, I mean take care of it in the proper manner and deal with every issue that comes along with taking care of that particular type of animal.
Having the right intentions and genuinely wanting to care for your new pet cat might be present right from the start, but that might not be enough to properly care for your cat. Sure, it might be all right at the start, but in the long run there's bound to be some problems if you are really not equipped with the right knowledge of taking care of your cat.
Even though you might have already taken care of some other pets in the past - or you might still have other pets - that doesn't automatically make you ready for a cat. Each pet is unique, so you better equip yourself with the proper know how. Some helpful tips for first time cat owners are given below. Read on and learn what you need to know about your new feline friend:
  • It is advisable that your pet cat be kept within your home as much as possible. The main reason being that those cats that live indoors tend to live longer than those cats that are allowed to just roam wherever they please and are left unsupervised by their owners. You should provide your cat with cat trees, scratching posts, different kinds of toys that would continue that would be interesting to it, then your cat will not just like the indoors but actually thrive in it. And don't forget some cardboard boxes in corners would help as well.

  • When deciding about getting your cat, you might initially be thinking of getting one that is of pure breed. However, you can opt to go to your local pet shelter and find that there are plenty of homeless cats there that are just waiting to be adopted and for a home that will welcome and love them. Pet shelters also usually provide the needed vaccinations, neutering, spaying, and microchipping.

  • Provide your cat with the best food and nutrition that you can. In order for them to be in top health, they need to consume meat protein, Even though it is quite convenient to give them dry food, you really need to limit it a little since cats don't require too much carbohydrates. It would be best to feed them with high quality grain less food that's sufficiently moist since cats don't really drink too much water. It would keep them properly hydrated.

  • Make sure that you take your cat to veterinary clinic regularly. You need to make their health and well being a priority, so you ought to familiarize yourself and your beloved cat with the vet clinic and its staff.

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